My clangd server won’t start up?

The tool is still in development and may crash from time to time. Although them ain reason for a crash maybe the absence of a compile database. Make sure that your folder has a compile_commands.json.

My Code won’t compile after conversion?

The tool tries it’s best to convert as much code as possible. It fails to convert code that requires major refactoring. If you’re converting tiny-bignum-c, visit this link for more info.. Also make sure that you have the correct clang in your PATH.

Clang: Command not found.

This error states that the clang compiler executable was not found. Make sure you followed the PATH instructions, as they are vital to your clang working in your terminal window.

I get Compilation Errors while using the tool to convert.

You may get some compilation errors while trying to compile certain libraries with Checked C clang. For instance, we got the following error while trying to compile Icecast server.

This is because of compatibility issues with GNU_SOURCE macros. We fixed it by removing the definition of this macro in the configure script.

cd icecast-2.4.4
sed -i '/_GNU_SOURCE/d' configure

You can find other changes we do for various libraries here. If you still need help, join our discord server and ping our admins.